-still waiting on the days till oct
-i dont even know if the brusiers will even restock at the beginning of october, it could be later
-=( i hate life
-you know what i realize today?
-to everyone who doesn't ride fixed or know about it, fakies probably make you look retarded
-i had about 20 stares today when i was practicing my fakie variations
-at least 5 people stopped walking and stood there and watched me
-today was no different from yesterday
-another slow, painful, boring, and lame day at school
-i think the highlight of my day today was these two conversations
-casey "damn, you have a big bag
-me "I know right? I probably could fit 3 dead babies in here, maybe 4 if i cut them up"
- *walking down to the first floor*
-aaron "that's a sick bag you have marcus! i bet you could fit like 3 dead babies in there"
-me "dude i said the exact same thing like 2 mins ago!"
- *loling*
-aaron "it's kind of weird and creepy that we both guessed the same amount of dead babies that could fit in your bag"
-for reference i am rocking the chrome ivan backpack for school
-bought this sucker before i went to london/oxford
-i gotta say its a really rad backpack
-big spaces to keep my shit in, plenty of pockets too
-the best part is no matter how much stuff you have in your backpack, it's always comfortable on your back
-waterproof too, rained like a bitch a couple of days in oxford and nothing inside was wet, the outside still going strong too
-thomas shedding some advice for me, haha

-so if you are friends with me on facebook, maybe you saw my status over the weekend
-it was "si relies to much on technology, if we got rid of the website, those stupid projectors, etc etc; it would not be a functioning school at all"
-to back up this statement, on sunday the si website was down for the majority of the day
-most teachers have shit for us to do on their webpage located on the website
-so when the website was down, all those links, assignments, etc were unreachable
-second in physics we have some stupid program website that we are supposedly to do our homework on
-it costed me $20 for a sheet of paper with a passcode and a set of instructions
-it is by far the dumbest thing i've ever tried to use
-it really makes me want to ask, is this completely necessary?
-this school is soo technology happy, it's really ridiculous
-in my opinion, all this technology is just a disguise on how truly horrible si is at teaching
-the teachers are getting lazy, following an agenda, a book, or some website to rely on teaching us students
-i really didn't realize this until i went to oxford over the summer
-classes over there were at least 10 times more intelligent
-my classes consisted of a teacher who actually taught us!!!!
-no books, website, program to guide them or anything
-straight up lecture and with a meaningful discussion amongst the students
-i actually learned some things there
-back to si, if you took away the text books, the websites, the projectors, the agendas, everything; there really wouldn't be learning at all
-having us go to stupid websites that are "design professionally, and yada, yada, yada" just gets people more confused
-i dunno for anyone else, but my teachers have me running all over the place looking for their assignments
-there is too much going on, i have to check the website, go on catlink, go to another website where i have to do something. look in my textbooks, read my notes, etc
-it really doesn't help, in fact it gets me really confused and i tend to just say "fuck it"
-then i have to take a step back, find a classmate and have them explain to me what i need to do
-it is way to complicated
-seriously, if they can cut back with all these different shit, i would actually learn more
-keep it simple, the teachers are suppose to be there to teach not impress me with unnecessary shit
-i don't need to refer to 5 different places to learn something
-i doubt most of the teachers arn't even experts of their fields
-i've heard that teachers use to be this and now they teach this
-you can't go from religion and then try to teach math
-doesn't work that way buddy
-oh wait! yes it does, as long as they have their trusty guidelines and teacher text books to lead them
-how does that benefit me if the teacher is just bullshitting the whole time
-also it would cut the cost greatly
-do we really need a ridiculous screen projector that goes up and down?
-we have fucking whiteboards in every classroom, how bout you use it?
-i lost 20 dollars today to get some password to a website that just confuses and pissed me off
-i could've taught you the same shit with more ease then it did
-professionalism and intelligence does not equal technology
-to sum up everything its basically like seeing that one scrawny white dude with a bright red ferrari
-he's got a hot car for looks and it makes him seem like a badass
-but really hes just a fag with a penis the size of a pencil tip
-am i saying that si has a tiny penis and they try to look supreme?
-yes i am
-/end ridiculously long rant
-you are probably wondering, "geez will this kid just stop complaining about his school all the time?"
-the answer is no
-first, it is a known fact that i absolutely hate my the school i go to for numerous reasons
-second, if you like to point out the worst of everything like i do, si is a great place to go at it
-and third this is my blog, i will write whatever i damn well please so you can go eat a dick
-have a nice night
1 comment:
LFO is the shit. No joke... when my friends and i are driving i always put this song on just for the lawlz. You should read this book called "the case against homework" it is really good. My mom has it in the shitter and i always read a few pages while i am in there. tells you alot about how to get away with not doing homework in a professional way.
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