Monday, November 16, 2009

yay for lack of sleep

-i am fucking tired
-woke up at 6 to study for a physics test that i probably failed
-didn't get any break time in school cuz i either was meeting with teachers or working on projects
-gotta shit ton oh hmwrk to complete before ll
-same shit tomorrow
-to be called overworked would be a mother. fucking. understatment
-but tiesto on saturday!!

-tonight in about 2 hours give or take, is the

Leonid Meteor Shower 2009

-fo sho go watch this, when in your lifetime will this happen again?
-u gotta experience stuff in life, even the little things
-yee, bouta go to the reservoir to watch it with ck later, no homo

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San Francisco, CA, United States
i don't really know who i am
