Monday, November 2, 2009

it's been a while

-so i took a 2 week break from tricking since i had "hit a brick wall" in my riding and i dunno i haven't been too motivated to ride or anything
-rode around the rec center for a bit today and shits better now, i can feel it
-breaks feel good, and it feels even better getting back on the bike after a while
-fixed gears are still important to my life, but i feel like my interest is slowly dying
-don't get me wrong, im still gonna ride the hell out of my bike, but it just won't be the same
-all i have to say is ride your bike to have fun, that's all there is to it, fuck everything else
-let's see what the weekend is about to stir up
-damn how i miss the last weekend, i don't think anythings going to be as good as halloween for a while
-oh how i hate mondays, especially since today has been a really hot day

-ok, i think the best halloween costume award goes to jillian
-she showed me yesterday that she went as a cholo for halloween
-funniest fucking shit ever
-there isn't anything in the world that could top this!! lol

-i want one of these
-as you know, i've been listening to a lot of house/electro/dance music ever since i saw mstrkrft at treasure island
-i've always wanted to learn how to dj
-how about it? my birthday is coming up soon...

turning tricks week 13

Turning Tricks - Week 13 from KrEEEstowfUr on Vimeo.

My name is Chris Layda, and this is my weekly video series called ‘Turning Tricks.’ Every week I try to learn at least one new trick, combination, or line. This series is meant to document my progress as a freestyle fixed gear rider.

This week I found a bank in a pretty industrial part of Brooklyn. Really a lovely area. Perfect for a Halloween ride.
New tricks and lines for this week include:

1. 3 tap on a bank!!! Fun.
2. some bank lines (stall to fakie to slider cab)
3. small flatbed line

Flimed by:
Jordan Guile

My Mind Playin' Tricks On Me
Geto Boys

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San Francisco, CA, United States
i don't really know who i am
