Sunday, October 25, 2009

two years of fixed gear riding

-holy shit i cant believe i almost forgot the day that had basically made me into who i am today
-today marks the anniversary since i purchased my first fixed gear, october 25th
-yes i actually remembered the exact date, i remember everything that happened that night

-it was the thursday, a week before halloween
-i remember going to the walgreens to meet the dude to check out the bike
-i remember doing my world history outline for ms. ashby's class in freshman year
-i remember selling my mtn bike to some random dude and as he was switching out the pedals for his clipless ones when the dude came to my house with the bike
-i remember the happiness of riding it for the first time

-every minute of that night was an exciting one
-i wouldn't have made the friends i have now if it weren't for biking
-i wouldn't have gone through all the experiences from movie premieres to races to filming sessions to just hitting up different spots and chilling, etc
-i always ask myself, if i wasn't always biking, who would i be today?
-i've met a ton of people in san francisco whom i would've never probably thought i'd meet in my life
-not even just the people in sf, but all around the world

-you can call me a fag for going deep on this, but cycling is something bigger than it looks
-for me: it's passion, community, friends, memories, and a shit ton of riding whether its city loops, trick sessions, or just getting on a bike

-everyone has something that they are passionate about
-doesn't matter what is, as long as you love doing it
-and then there will be people who criticize and try to ruin it for you
-don't ever let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do, they can go fuck themselves
-just have fun with your life

-i thought it would be interesting to put up the different bikes/setups i had through these two years
-granted, i was a bit greedy but i was just confused
-maybe ill add some pics of some shit i've seen or experienced later if im not too lazy
-damn, look at the change in bikes
-from vintage track to aluminum to pursuit to tricking
-a shit load has happened in two years

-the first bike, a shogun conversion
-ugly ass hell but hey, i was just a noob
-note the upside down bullhorns...what was i thinking?

-painted that shit purple after a while
-sold that frame for the italian track, to this day i do not know what company or who made it
-but i loved this bike
-destroyed when i hit that damn curb near christina's house that one night
-rip and i hope the whoever bought this from me was able to restore it and ride the helll out of it

-second phase of the italian bike
-painted pink...yes i rattled canned an italian track frame
-this was still my favorite setup and bike

-replaced it with the concept
-the typical hipster track bike
-hated aluminum, this bike didn't last a month before i sold it to some other hipster

-the affinity track bike
-ok, this bike was sick but then i got into gnar bikes

-the first volume cutter
-fun shit

-ok i dunno why i sold the pink for this one but i built this bike pretty proper
-too big for me and now kianu rides it

-the mke brusier, got it off carl
-top tube is in half, but it was a fun bike to play around when i got back from london

-and finally, the current setup
-don't see this being sold or broken anytime in the near future
-after going through so many bikes, this bike is going to stick around
-hope to see what new shit this brings me
-of course there are going to be different bikes in the future though
-next one is the gorilla kilroy which i want to be saving up for, i had a dream about riding it last night...
-and note that almost all my bike, i rode velocity deep v's
-there is not a better rim company than velocity, they're the only thing that has been the same for me in the past two years
-hopefully i will keep it that way

1 comment:

ribonyc said...

hey, was wondering. what size are your headset spacers on your bruiser?

About Me

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San Francisco, CA, United States
i don't really know who i am
