Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ugh fuck the rain

-storming all day in sf today
-i literally did nothing all day after midterms
-stupid shit
-if it's raining again tomorrow, who wants to hang out?
-anyone? O.o
-oh, and is it just me or does facebook just get more and more retarded each time i log on
-shits been freezing and being really slow
-get your shit together facebook crew

-ahh dqm ran out of sizes for the london color
-but my uncle got me the la color, doesn't looks as cool but still legit
-cant wait till i get em, my chukkas have been killing my feet

-i was watching videos of wonka all day
-and i came to the conclusion that i want the gorilla frame even more
-when i head to ny in the summer, the money i get from my job is so going towards getting this frame

-tay tay going big
-looking good, lets ride soon!
-check the gnarcotix blog, they're killing shit soon

1 comment:

Justin, BustinJustin, Do-Do, Fatty said...

i was tempted to buy the 4 pack that was on ebay. offered whatever size you needed in all for colors. now that i think about it i should have done it. could have sold them for a few hundred a pair.

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San Francisco, CA, United States
i don't really know who i am
