Wednesday, July 29, 2009

gloss black or candy apple green?

-getting a steel leader frame so i can have a "track bike"
-no need for two trick bikes and i am afraid the cutter is going to have to be sold =(
-yea, i go through bikes like you go through underwear
-whatever, whatever i'll do what i want. haha
-so either the sleek gloss black or the candy apple green which will have sparkles on it apprently
-i'm leaning more towards the green
-as rich said like an hour ago "you gotta have some green between your legs"


Anonymous said...

u shuld suck a dick

u poopy slut

Markie said...

get outta here miles!

zach said...

how much for your cutter and what size is it!?

Markie said...

hey the cutter is a 56cm, and i already promised my friend id sell the cutter to him, srry!

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San Francisco, CA, United States
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