Tuesday, June 23, 2009

worst summer day

-i'm just going to assume that today will probably be the worst day of my summer considering the events of today
-my friend cracked and dented my brand new cutter frame in the dumbest way possible
-and yeah i did cry, and you would to if your bike was the only thing in this fuckin' world you care about
-it hasn't even been 3 days since i've had it
-i'm kinda tired of everyone fucking me over...
-henry also dented his downtube on his concept with his head
-ouch! hope your head doesn't hurt too bad

didn't get a pic of the crack, i'll get that tomorrow

rich's new b43


Kenny said...

sorry to hear marcus, i bet it does feel hella sucky and i know how much u care about bikes, but dont trip about it too much, in the end these are just material things that can be replaced, eventually this will be forgotten, be strong!

Anonymous said...

yeah man, be glad that at the end of the day, you are okay... at least your frame wasn't dented while you were on it and you werent hurt riding or something

like kenny says, things like this can be replaced, but as long as you are okay, its all right, y'know?


melissa said...

cheer up, like they said bikes can easily be replaced! it's just a bike, you're probably gonna get a new one soon anyways ;p

HINRICHT said...

very nice rims! But is see a very nice feature on rich´s bike that i have never seen before but thinking about something like this. These green toe straps stoppers (or what ever the called)! Where can i get some like these or how can i build some like these? Thanks for feedback! Hinricht

Markie said...

shit, i never read these comments, thanks for the kind words everyone! and hinricht, they're the toshi button straps, i don't have much info about em but i think you can get them just about any bike store

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San Francisco, CA, United States
i don't really know who i am
